Rich Comics Production Services

Comic lovers are in luck!

To a large extent, until now the adaptation of this type of content to digital format has focused on offering the option of reading it on a tablet or smartphone, maintaining the structure of its paper version.

Take your comic to the next level!

eMotion Comics was born in order to cover the production needs of an enriched adaptation, through the integration of 2D animations.

From the recreation of the illustrations (adaptation of a layer to several layers, necessary to be able to make animations), through the production of voices, sound and music, until reaching the design and programming of the application itself, in eMotion Comics you will find all the resources that your project requires.

Do you want to see some examples? Do it now!

¡Los amantes del comic estamos de enhorabuena! En gran medida, hasta el momento la adaptación de este tipo de contenido al formato digital se ha centrado en ofrecer la opción de leer los mismos en una tablet o smartphone, manteniendo la estructura de su versión en papel


We will be happy to hear about your project!


Phone: +34 633 308 218