Magic Tales Team:

Magic Tales came to life to provide a link between businesses and independent professionals from the world of audiovisual entertainment and multimedia with one thing in mind: to create interactive and transmedia content.

Magic Tales has built up an impressive network of collaborations, which include professionals from all walks of life, both individuals and companies. We boast solutions to complex projects as well as a plethora of willing support for more modest proposals.

Our digital artists (illustrators, designers, writers, programmers, voiceover artists, sound designers, musicians, etc) have all worked on projects for Magic Tales as well as for other companies, proving their worth as the best creative solution for your needs.

Furthermore we dedicate a lot of time researching new technologies and detecting market trends, not only linked to content production (RA, virtual reality, etc) but also consumer behaviour analysis, which is related to the production of content. We look at how clients buy, connect with, enjoy or simply use our digital products. Magic Tales recognizes that this analysis is a key element in ensuring successful communication, marketing and product development. Analysis also feeds into workflow organization, design and sales. We at Magic Tales help ourselves and our clients take better decisions.

Thus we are delighted to announce that we now offer services that allow our clients to  incorporate tracking tools in apps that we help create. Our goal is to help clients publish apps and learn through these apps how to create successful communication campaigns and build new products.

We would be delighted to analyze your needs and to design an appropriate plan of collaboration with the Magic Tales team.

We will be happy to hear about your project!


We will be happy to hear about your project!


Phone: +34 633 308 218